Kim Kardashian is full of surprises! After gracing the cover ofVogue magazine, Kardashian
shows a full-frontal in Paper Magazine’s Winter Issue – Break
The Internet, which hits newsstands on Nov. 19. Needless to say, the star of “Keeping up with the Kardashians” leaves
nothing to the imagination! The photos were shot by famed photographer Jean-Paul Goudein
Sept. while she was in Paris for Fashion Week. See more revealing pics after the cut…
shows a full-frontal in Paper Magazine’s Winter Issue – Break
The Internet, which hits newsstands on Nov. 19. Needless to say, the star of “Keeping up with the Kardashians” leaves
nothing to the imagination! The photos were shot by famed photographer Jean-Paul Goudein
Sept. while she was in Paris for Fashion Week. See more revealing pics after the cut…